Yellow Diamond
Like other natural fancy colored diamonds, the colors are a result of the compound element within the structure of the stone. The stones with a stronger yellow hue are often the result of more Nitrogen in the mix. They are 100% real.
Violet Diamond
Pure violet with no secondary hue almost never occurs in nature, and when it does, these diamonds appear only in small sizes. Even though this is very rare, it is not considered as rare as fancy red diamonds and fancy blue diamonds.
Chocolate Diamond
These are a trademark owned by Le-Vian group which refers to a select group of natural brown diamonds that match Le Vian’s criteria as for quality and color. Meaning that not every brown diamond is a Chocolate Diamond.
Champagne Diamond
A champagne diamond is a type of colored diamond that’s naturally brown, with a noticeable yellow tint. They can range in hue from light brown to darker shades, resembling the color of champagne.
Chameleon Diamond
Displayed color change for more than 15 minutes after being exposed to an ultraviolet lamp for just 60 seconds. Some emit a yellow glow, or phosphoresce, for up to an hour after the light source is turned off.
Pink Diamond
Their gorgeous color combinations with their romantic appeal make them ideal for engagement rings. One of the biggest problems with pink diamonds is that they are RARE
Red Diamond
Red diamonds are the rarest and most unique type of fancy colored diamond. A red diamond is a pure carbon gemstone, featuring none of the chemical impurities that create other kinds of colored diamonds.
Black Diamond
Black diamonds are diamonds with a very high number of inclusions. While inclusions on a regular white diamond may show up as tiny dark specks, at extremely high levels, the diamond appears completely black.
Orange Diamond
The presence of nitrogen within the diamond is the main source of the orange color, just as it is for yellow stones. The difference between orange and yellow diamonds is how the nitrogen atoms are grouped during formation.
Blue Diamond
A blue diamond is a real, natural diamond with a noticeable blue tone due to the presence of boron in the diamond’s carbon structure. Blue diamonds range in color from light blue to deep blue
Purple Diamond
Most color diamonds owe their color to some sort of impurity. In the case of natural purple diamonds, the color is the result of an unusually high presence of Hydrogen.
Colorless Diamond
In diamond quality grading, colorless diamonds are those stones that do not have visible color tints. Although they are rare, colorless diamonds are not always more valuable than tinted diamonds
Grey Diamond
Grey diamonds are extremely rare and can have high clarity. The colors vary in intensity and they come in the following intensity levels: Faint grey, Light Grey, Fancy Light Grey and Fancy Dark Grey
Green Diamond
Green diamonds consist of elements that result in a green hue, the chemical structure is more or less the same as colorless diamonds. This means that green diamonds are far more durable than emeralds.
White Diamond
These are beautiful opaque white colored diamonds. The term ‘white diamonds’ is often used by members of the trade and many others when referring to the standard transparent, colorless diamonds. However, they are not transparent and colorless like people mistakenly understand.